Saturday, July 12, 2008

Our new fence is in!!!!

Once again, thanks to grandma Marga and grandpa Ivan, we get one more big addition to our beautiful home. We got the fence!!! Thanks, guys, for one more dream that you make come true for our family!!!
We are so excited!!! We can't stop looking outside! Noah wants to go there all the time, and so does Bella!
The guys were supposed to come on Thursday, but ended up coming only yesterday!
Marcio and Noah had a lot of work after they left, cleaning the dirt that accumulated around the posts! Marcio (and Noah, of course, big helper that he is) did not finish until today. It was a LOT of work!
Here are some pictures of the boys working, and of course, of our beautiful new fence!!!
And for the ones, the swing set, also a great present from grandma and grandpa (and uncle Carlos and uncle Ron), is not ready yet! (I love you, honey!) There were two parts that ended up cracking and one came missing, so we are waiting for them to get here from the manufacturers in order to finish the roof and the rock wall!

1 comment:

Ju Campoy said...

Congratulations on the new fence! And the swingset! It looks wonderful!
I love you guys more than chocolate!