Saturday, August 4, 2007

Another weekend with daddy home

It has been hectic lately with Marcio being in Chicago all week, but we've manage to stay calm and survive through it together...I guess that is what families do, we support each other.
Noah is in heaven when daddy is at home. He gets mommy all to himself on Friday afternoon and then daddy gets home and gives him tons of attention.
Meanwhile baby Oliver continues to be such a good and calm baby.
We are starting to put him in his crib...we will see how it goes. Poor grandma Delza will have to share the room now...this apartment is way too small! We want our house!!!
The house is coming along...we went there to see it today. The drywall in in! Exciting!
I just need to survive Marcio being out, all my hormones, and another move, and I will be just fine!!!