Thursday, December 6, 2007

26 months: Land of Sunshine

Noah, Noah...if you only knew how much mommy and daddy care about you and your bright future! As we talk and talk and talk some more about what to do and not to do around daycare, and pre-school, and pre-K, and all that, as we try to decide whether you have been challenged enough where you are, or whether we are paying for the best that you can get (because you deserve no less than that) many questions come to our minds. How do we know what is best for you?

Mommy had breakfast with her two best friends today (Lori, thank you for reminding me I had to put something here soon!), we had even more conversations around this topic.

Filho, the more I talk about it, the more I realize your father and I don't know, to be truly honest with you, how to define best in this situation.

Sometimes I feel like we are overthinking the matter, and that we should just let you be a kid, play and be the happy toddler that you are. But then we start debating whether we might be wasting precisous opportunities for you to learn so many new things (that I think you will learn one way or another anyway!)

Yes, I am confusing, I know. I also think that!

How do I know, filho, whether you should stay where you are, or whether you should go to a school for gifted kids? How do I know what will make you the happiest? How do I know your dad and I are giving you the best you can possibly get from an education standpoint?

My sister and a friend once told me that you are truly gifted, so really, it does not matter what we do or when, you will learn things at your own pace. And I think I believe that too.

So, as we ask ourselves all these questions, wishing and praying to God for an answer, you grow in front of our eyes to being such a happy and spirited toddler.

You can create your own logic and you can make full sentences and come up with your own conclusions at this point. You can give the best hugs and kisses a mom can ask for. You have the biggest heart I have ever seen. And of course, I can't help mentioning that you also can push our buttons like no one else can. Your dad and I can't cease to be amazed by all the things that you learn and demonstrate every day. You teach us so much every minute of any given day. We are so truly blessed by your company.

Tonight, as I walk to our favorite Chinese place to get our take out dinner with you, the lady hands you a fortune cookie. You get all excited, as usual, like it is the best thing she could have ever done to anyone (that is how you lighten up the lives of everyone you touch), and as I grab the piece of paper from inside the cookie, there it says: "You are heading for a land of sunshine." That is right, filho. It does not really have a bright future ahead of you. And we want you to know, that right or wrong, your father and I will ALWAYS be there for you. This is called unconditional love, filho. Happy 26-month birthday. Te amo muito!

Sorry for taking so long to be back!

We are back!!!
My friend Lori told me today: "You have got to put something in there! I have been checking on it every day! We are waiting for something!"
It has been a crazy month, with the move, and the new job finally picking up, and all the year-end activities...but there are no excuses to not be here telling you guys about all the things that are going on...that is the purpose of the blog, right?
Ok, we are back, and I will be here more often.
I owe you all pictures of the new house...working on that!!
Love you all!!!