Friday, July 11, 2008

Oliver, you are ONE!!! Here is your so deserved post!!!

For the ones who have probably been thinking: "What in the world is AP thinking?!? Her kid turned ONE, for Christ sake, and she did not blog it!!!"
I know, I know. I am the worst mother in the world!
But I guarantee you I am not the only mother in denial in this world!
Oliver is actually 13,5 months now, and has he blossomed in the past couple of months!
His personality has completely come out. He went from this quiet, sweet and shy little guy, to this funny little boy who is learning really quickly what he needs to do to survive a big brother!
Oliver has learned to say tchau and bye-bye, has learned to sign for more, to sign all done, to say all done, to sing "Bob, the Builder..." (more like: "Boooh, Baaaah!" with a little dance in between), how to call Bella and Noah (both of them seem to be Daaaaah! with finger pointing), to get down from the couch and my bed on his own and say "Doooooh" and "Puuuup" (Down and Up).
He loves playing with Noah and the Tchu Tchu table, and he also does the tchuga-tchuga (more like "tuga, tuga, tuga").
When something is not right he lets his "Uh, oh!" out. Soooo cute!
Now, the best one is his "carseat nap mantra". He has done this since he was a baby, and now it is only for carseat naps. Oliver starts with his "Ahuuuuuuuuummmmmm...." and then starts closing his eyes, until he finally put himself to sleep. It is hilarious. It never gets old. Marcio and I laugh hard every time it happens!

It fills us with joy to watch both boys run around the house together, and Oliver's laughter as his brother runs after him! He is learning his way with his brother, and Noah has been really sweet and sharing so much lately.
Oliver wants EVERYTHING Noah has, and by that I mean food, toys, shoes, night-nights, daddy's lap...and yes, they love being around their daddy! Sooo cute seeing the three of them together. It just reminds me all the time how thankful I am.
Oliver, you are my sweet little baby, and like aunt Lori says, no matter how fast time flies, you will be in College, and you will still be my baby.
Your hair is lighter and lighter every day, so really, people sometimes wonder if I am the nanny! ;-) You got your dad's genes, I know. But your heart is 1/2 mine!
I don't know if I will ever get over the "syndrome of second-time mom guilt" with you. I often cry as I put you to sleep, just thinking how much more I could have done for you.
But, filho, one thing I can promise you, there is no way I could have loved you any more. My heart is all yours and your brother's. You guys have taught me what being alive means.
I honestly wouldn't change a tinny thing if I got a chance to go back in time...other than trying to go back in time all the time, just to be able to keep holding you in my arms.
You have been a wonderful sleeper since birth. This week you are transitioning to Blue Helicopters, and miss Amber is your angel this time around, just like she was for Noah. Mom and dad are soooo happy. Since you started transitioning you have been happier, fillho, and of course, so have we. You are very sensitive to change, but you embraced this one. Loosing miss Claire and miss Keri all at once was not easy on you. You had a tough time for a while. But it is all passed now (even though we will forever miss them, and our eyes light up when we meet them!).
You have been sleeping 11 hours straight for the past week!!! Tonight for some reason you cried a bit a little while ago. As I rocked you back to sleep, I realized you are really heavy...but your little body still attaches to mine like it did 13 months and a half ago...and it always will.

I will always be here for you, filho. Always. That is how blessed I feel.
You chose me, and now we are attached, forever. I love you so much, filho, it hurts.
Thanks for choosing me. It has been a humbling experience so far, and such a journey!

Here are a couple of videos of Oliver, for the family and friends who are far away, and don't have the opportunity to "experience" Oliver...but who are always sending tons of good energy his way!


Ju Campoy said...

Devo falar que uma lagriminha escorreu!!!
Ele está tão lindo!!! O que é essa loirice toda?!
Que saudade de vocês!!! E que vontade de conhecê-lo logo...

Amo muito vocês!!

gregandlori said...

You will always be my Tabler. I don't care how big you get! How is it that you are Kelly were separated from birth?! You look more and more alike every day. I'm glad you are having so much fun this summer. Can't wait for the Fair this weekend! We're going to sugar load you until you guys POP!

Love, Lori

Jarrad, Misty, Jenna, Josie Odle said...

TOO CUTE - and you're making me cry at work! I think I'm already feeling the 2nd kid syndrome of not knowing if you'll have enough time and love for both of them...I'm sure we'll need to talk after this new one gets here! Bye!