Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Mom's Universal Language

This weekend we went to visit my family in St. Louis and also see Bryce and Keri, and participate in his wonderful birthday party.(I will post about our Sunday adventure together later!)

We got there on Saturday, and of course, the boys behaved so badly I wanted to stick my face in my lower back once in a while!
Really proud of ourselves, Marcio and I packed really well for the trip, and thought of all the possible outfits, and snacks, and drinks, and toothbrushes, and all different soaps for each need, and underwear, and diapers, and of course, what did we forget? Basic...TOYS!
So, Noah ended up using my mom's real markers, and my dad's drawing paper! We found a Thomas Sticker book in the car, and it saved us!

After we put both boys to bed, I am not sure whether my dad was just exhausted from the experience, or if he was truly feeling sorry for Marcio and I(knowing that he was going to get "away" from the boys Sunday morning, but we were "stuck" with them for a while!), so he decided to show us one of their newest DVDs, a comedy from Anita Renfroe. Now, seriously, I almost peed my pants! She is amazing!
The whole DVD is about MOMSENSE. I need to get the DVD! As I watched it, I could not help but thinking of all the moms in my life: my own mom, of course, my friends Lori and Keri, Sheri and Misty, Paula and Karla, and also ME!
Now, I will tell you, people. I am adding a part of the show to this post, and believe me, IT IS THE SAME THING in any country, any language!

I kept remembering all the things my mom told me, and started thinking about all the things I have already told Noah and Oliver. It is scary...Mirror, mirror on the wall, I AM INDEED my mother AFTERALL!!!! :-)
Here she is...Have fun!


Ju Campoy said...

You know, one of my biggest dreams is being a mom (it's a long one, not happening any time soon!). And, if I am as good mother as you are (as all the other women in our family) I'll be one of the happiest people in the world!!

Love you all more than anything.


Ju Campoy said...

Update it, please?!
I miss the stories!!!

Love you!

Jarrad, Misty, Jenna, Josie Odle said...

LOL - I can't wait to watch this, but don't have time right now. I've been a little emotional the last few days (argh...I think the thought of only 2 weeks left is getting the best of me!), so I figure I better watch it when Jarrad isn't home. I can't seem to get to your blog from our home computer, only on my Lilly laptop. It goes to a sign in page for FeedBurner...do you know what that's all about?!?!